Saturday, November 6, 2021

 in 2012 when i announced that 50wtkm was now defunct or on hiatus, i had mentioned that it's over but would one day like to do some kind of box set.  i still have that same mentality.  i wanna do the box set but is 50 ways really back?  well i've been working on some new stuff to include on that one-day-to-come-out box set and i've been exploiting major events (in 2020 i did the Corona Virus 666 song which you can hear right here:

or the punk remix here:

and then a year later, a few days after Alec Baldwin killed someone i made that alec baldwin song which can be heard here:

but other than that it hasn't really been active) but if you're reading this right now then you know i have the website back up and running.  alotta sections still under construction but coming soon.


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